Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November 30th

English 12
Double sided journal entry for Act 1 Sc. 1
Read the next scene as well
Today's journal topic: Write about a time when you thought that life was going one way and it completely changed direction. What was that like for you? How did you change as a result?

English 10
Double sided journal entry for Act 1 Sc. 1
Make a list of characteristics of a good leader
Read the next scenes (2 and 3) Use the questions to guide you.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

November 29th

English 12
Refer to the last post and review the events of Act 1.
We will read this in class tomorrow. Read Sparks Notes, No Fear Shakespeare...any will help you out. Make notes
You will be doing a double journal entry for each scene that you read.

English 10
Read the last post and review the events of Act 1.
We will read this in class tomorrow.

Monday, November 28, 2011

November 28th

English 12
Finish corrections to your practice Cross Grade
Review terms for your final lit terms quiz.
Bigger test to be scheduled later
Here is a link to help you with the play:
Hamlet Sparknotes

English 10
Finish corrections for Cross Grade as well
Here is a link to help you with the play
 Othello Sparknotes

Thursday, November 24, 2011

November 24th

Okay everyone, it is Cross Grade practice writing time tomorrow.
Try not to get too crazy over the thesis statement question and remember that there is no one right way to write one.
Thesis statement tips

We will write in class and you will finish your essay on the weekend. Bring it back on Monday for feedback from your classmates.
Have a fine, fine weekend.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

English 12
Period 1--Outline for crossgrade/stories that match the theme/theme statement
Period 3--Highlight points regarding the thesis statement

English 10
No homework! :)

Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday, November 21st

English 12
Essay test tomorrow
3 pieces of lit that would go with your quotation for Wednesday
Presentations on Wednesday. Must be memorized.

English 10
Bring a picture of your favorite animal.
Write a thesis statement to match your theme statement. 3 pieces of literature that would go with it. Points you will make in your body paragraph.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

November 18th

English 12
Your journals all must be handed in. There are a number of overdue assignments.
Cross grade writing sheet for Monday. Monday we are rehearsing and we are working on Cross grades
Tuesday is the essay test. Wednesday is the drama presentation. Remember that you must know your lines.

English 10
Reading journals are due on Monday.
Crossgrade sheet with outline for one essay for Monday.
Tuesday is the vocabulary test.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

November 17th

English 12
Test tomorrow on Catcher. Journals are due tomorrow as well. Essay test will be on Tuesday. We will do our scenes on Wednesday. On Monday, we will practice scenes and do some review for Cross Grades.

English 10
Journals for book club are due on Monday.
On the sheet with the quotations:
Choose 3 quotations and rewrite them as a theme statement.
Bring your imagery pictures back to class.
Bring your Imprints books and your Poetry books to class as well.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

November 15th

English 12
There is a quiz on lit terms to speaker. I believe the last word was repetition.
Worksheet on symbolism.
Those of you who have not handed in your Remembrance piece, it is now overdue.
Time after school if it is not in on Wednesday
Multiple choice on Friday
Essay test on Tuesday (date change)

English 10
Make notes on Imagery.
Do the questions on the bottom of the page.
Remembrance stuff is now due.
Book club on Thursday.
Quiz on vocabulary on Monday.

Friday, November 11, 2011

November 11th

Have a great long weekend. Take some good time for yourself, but remember to work on the following as well.
English 12
Finish your writing about one or two absent characters. Discuss the role they play in the novel and the influence that they have on Holden. Be sure to have supporting evidence in your writing. It is one extended paragraph. It should be about 3/4 of a page.
Remembrance Assignment is due on Tuesday
Quiz to the end of the novel on Tuesday
Lit terms quiz on Wednesday.
English 10
Lit circles again on Thursday. If you are finished the novel, write a reflection about what you have learned from reading the novel. How are you different? Your group needs to be discussing something like a movie for the next meeting
Draft of writing on Remembrance is due on Tuesday or final copy if you have already drafted. Good copy for Wednesday. Please type it.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

November 9, 2011

So, we have a long weekend!
Remember to remember those who have given their lives for us. Take time to be thankful for the liberty we have in this incredible country of ours.
English 12
Finish the novel by the end of the weekend. There will be a test on Tuesday.
Lit terms will be later on in the week.
Finish the good copy of your writing of the Remembrance poem or prose for Tuesday.
Do the sheet on absent characters.
If you haven't told me if you need marks for early entrance or for scholarships, please do so before you leave on Thursday.

English 10
Book club meeting tomorrow.
Drafting of Remembrance piece.
Start thinking about project possilbities for the novel

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November 8th

Sorry for the late post. Having a computer issue at home.
English 12
You need to be finished Catcher by the time we return on Tuesday. Yes, there will be a test on what remains. We will finish up the novel next week and will have a unit test and an essay test. Dates will be discussed.
Poem/prose with respect to Remembrance for tomorrow. We will be presenting in class tomorrow.

English 10
We will finish one presentation. We will be doing book club work tomorrow and we will also be working on our writing about Remembrance Day.

Monday, November 7, 2011

November 7th

English 12
Reminder of the Lit terms quiz to repetition for tomorrow. Remember that there will be more than one point of view.

All English students:
We will be reading poems from the selection that I handed out today. You and your group will practice reading the poem and will discuss its theme, imagery, important lines etc. with the class. Be prepared to begin writing something of your own on the topic of Remembrance.
A Day of Remembrance

Saturday, November 5, 2011

November 4th

English 12
Quiz on chapters 19-21 on Monday
Lit terms quiz on Tuesday to repetition. There will be multiple definitions of point of view
Finish 3 of the themes on the worksheet.  You don't need to do them all/
Period 3--Brainstorm Remembrance--connections that you have made, why you care, why you don't care, why does it all matter at the end of the day?

English 10
Remember to get your Poetry is assignments in. If you have been away, make sure that you have connected with your group about the project.
As above, brainstorm your thoughts about Remembrance.
We are changing the Book club meeting to Thursday because many of you will be away on Wednesday.
We will do Silent Reading on Wednesday instead of Thursday.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

November 3rd

English 12
Finish the paragraph regarding Holden's lying. Find a discrepancy between what Holden believes is true and what actually might be true. Refer to the sheet we did today. Consider the points in your response. Make sure that you support your statements with examples.
Lit terms quiz on Tuesday to repetition

English 10
Journal: write about an annoying habit.
Today we read the poem "Sweet Like a Crow" by Michael Ondatje
We will be writing our own similes tomorrow

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November 2nd

English 12
Finish Narrative Distance in Time worksheet for tomorrow
Write a journal reflection about the class experience of lying. Who is the liar? What makes you think so? How can you tell if someone is lying?

English 10
We will be reading for two more weeks.
Next bookclub is next Wednesday
We will negociate a project by the beginning of next week.
Poetry is project is due on Monday. No excuses.
Here is a link for a study guide for Mockingbird. Type in the other titles as well to get information. Hiroshima students should be looking at what to read next.
To Kill a Mockingbird

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November 1st

English 12
Chapters 16-18 read for tomorrow. Be prepared to write a question for our class quiz.
Journal topic: Who is your lifeline? Who would you call when you are in distress? Who can you count on and why.
Be ahead of the class by at least 2 chapters.

English 10
Tomorrow is book club day. Have your reflection written for your meeting. Have your work done.
Poem; Due on Friday or Monday if you need the weekend to get it done. It better be pretty amazing if we have to wait that long.
We will discuss the criteria for the poem in class.

Course Calendars