Friday, June 10, 2016

For Monday

English 11

We are just about at the end of the play. We are going to do an essay on Macbeth as part of our final assessment. We will be working on the following next week and you will write one of them during the exam period. I will reduce the amount of reading on the multiple choice section.
Here are the topics:

In a multi-paragraph essay, discuss one of the following topics:

1.       Discuss the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Consider its disintegration and the shift of roles as the play progresses. Use quotes and examples to support your ideas.

2.       Examine how power dictates behavior in Macbeth. As above, use examples from the play to support your opinion.

3.       Is Macbeth truly evil?

     English 12
Good copy of poem due on Monday. Write one of the prompt topics from the booklet I handed out.

Writing 12
Projects due next week.
We are going to the beach on Wednesday. I will send a note home on Monday for your parents to sign.

Course Calendars