Wednesday, May 22, 2013

For Thursday

English 10
Read up to the end of chapter 5 for tomorrow.
Bring your reading journals tomorrow. There were too many people away today.
Pick up the question sheet if you were absent.
You will get reading time in class on Friday.

English 12
Presentations tomorrow. Be ready.
Read the side notes for the next scenes for tomorrow.
Practice test for lit terms on Wednesday next week
Final test on Thursday
We are going to do a section of a practice final on Friday.

Creative Writing
Presentation of ekphrasis poems tomorrow. Bring them on a flashdrive or save them somewhere so that we can see them.
I will have you read them to the class. You willl need to talk about your poem first.
Bring a rough draft of a movie review tomorrow.
On Friday, you will be working on writing a review of a movie you have seen.
Silent Reading on Friday as well.

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