Monday, October 26, 2015

For Tuesday

English 10
Your vocabulary words are overdue. Make sure that you have them typed up and ready to hand in.
Short story vocabulary test will be on Wednesday. There is a planning field trip tomorrow, so we want as many people here as possible.
Your journals are due on Wednesday as well. Good copy of a revised journal: typed and paperclipped with your other journals. You should have 8-10 journals.

English 11
Lit terms quiz on Wednesday
Poems for tomorrow: type them please
Make sure that you have a topic sentence and a thesis statement for you outline ready to go.

English 12
Have a horribowl time tonight! Make sure that you have read the questions for Kugelmass. We are going to have short reading quiz tomorrow.
Here they are:
Write the answers to the following questions:
1. Describe the conflicts in the story.
2. Describe the settings in the story.  How do they impact the reader's experience of "The Kugelmass Episode?"
3. What is the point of view of "The Kugelmass Episode"? Why do you think the author chose to write it that way?
4. Describe the character of Kugelmass as completely as you can. What does he look like? What do his actions and words tell us about him? Draw him here:
5. What do you believe is the theme of the short story? Use evidence from the story to support your answer.
6. Can you identify any literary devices or themes? Which ones? Give 2 examples.
7. Outline the plot structure. What plot twists and turns are particularly effective? Why or why not?
8. Find examples of irony in the story.
9. Was Kugelmass right to try to solve his marital issues by having an affair?

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