Monday, November 9, 2015

For Tuesday

English 10
Practice writing thesis statements. Write 3 different versions. Note where you struggle.
It might help if you think of your thesis as the answer to the question that your essay is addressing.
For example:
What happens to people who are oppressed by the government?
Why are some people likely to change or rebel when others accept the status quo?
What effect does oppression have on society?
What are the consequences of rebellion? Is the risk worthwhile? What does rebellion lead to?

English 11
Next lit term quiz: up to narrator
Revise your "Things I have lost" paragraph. You will be joining 2 others to create a final loss product. The question is: How will you do it?

English 12
Next lit term quiz: up to narrator
Review the information about the Puritans. How is Puritan society like the fictional school we read about today?

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